In the spring of 2006, Dalia Rosales felt that the CSUN campus was lacking the presence of a strong Chicana/Latina community. As she searched to find a family away from home, she came to the conclusion that nothing on campus met the needs and ideas that she was searching for. It was then that she proposed the idea to Magdalena Cervantes and a few other close friends, to bring Phi Lambda Rho to the CSUN campus.
Adamant to establish Phi Lambda Rho at CSUN, these ladies shared their goals and ideas with other like-minded students and started the recruitment process. In August 2006 these women were recognized as the Official Interest group of Phi Lambda Rho, during this time they were able to hit the ground running and start fulling their ideas and strive for women empowerment, academic success, professional development, cultural awareness, among other things.
Phi Lambda Rho, Epsilon Chapter was finally established on May 12, 2007, with 13 founding sisters. While the journey was not an easy one, every sister can tell you that every single moment was well worth it/Latina community. As she searched to find a family away from home, she came to the conclusion that nothing on campus met the needs and ideas that she was searching for. It was then that she proposed the idea to Magdalena Cervantes and a few other close friends, to bring Phi Lambda Rho to the CSUN campus.
Marina " Amaryllis RHOse" Lopez
Nathalie "Luna RHOse" Castaneda
Alyssa "Adaleni" Gomez
Sofia "Zaria" Sanchez
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